Thursday, March 11, 2010

The easiest way to regulate your weight

Pretty much no-one is happy with how they look or how much they weigh. And we all know how those new year "resolutions" fare. If you're a guy who wants to bulk up, you'll likely end up spending four days a week in the gym, two hour sessions and then find yourself only marginally better off. The girl trying to lose wait, starving herself and then fretting over her figure isn't going to do much better.

The first thing you need to realize is that you need a lifestyle change. A paradigm shift. You cannot live a fat man's life and grow an eight-pack. Life doesn't work that way. Get your training and nutrition right.

I'm going to give you the easiest way to handle your nutrition. Taking notes, boys and girls?

Dr. Squat suggests the following (and I quote) : "When you sit down to eat, ask yourself,'What am I going to be doing for the next three hours of my life?' Then, if you're taking a nap, eat less; if you're planning on a training session, eat more. And so forth" (ISSA : The complete guide Unit 6 - p.165)

This represents efficient eating. You'll end up getting leaner and drop noticeable fat with just this little change.
If you're the sort who likes putting a number on things, chew on this:

Calories in meal preceding Relative to average meal (calories)
strenous workout +300
moderate workout +200
vigorous activity +100
moderate activity avg meal
light activity -100
relaxing -200
a nap -300

So whats the first step in getting this working? Figure out YOUR maintainence caloric level and plug the number into the chart above.
Or if you aren't doing this by numbers, stick to this guideline:

If you're going to rest or chill, eat less. If you're going to workout, eat more. If you're just operating the way you do, eat how much you normally do.

Clearly, if you want to bulk up, do the opposite. Which is why eating heavy lunch and going to sleep is one of the best ways to slow down your metabolism while bulking up (take note, muscle enthusiasts).

Keep at it, people!

1 comment:

  1. I agree but with a working life this gets so difficult. You tend be drained by the time you reach home so you eat more, dont work out and plonk in front of the tv set. So on such days I have been motivating myself do some burpees or the prison workout as it originally began.



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